Contact Information
questions, comments, kudos, or criticisms about the web site contact
webmaster: webmaster@quintology.com
To request booking information or other general information contact: info@quintology.com
By the way, we are in the process of changing bookers at the moment, so
if you are an agency that is interested in handling us, or have any information
in this regard, please drop us a note.
To purchase product, find a retail outlet in your area,
sign us to a huge record deal, or request complimentary CDs, write to:
If you want to contact any of the guys in the band, click on their address
(for other Quintologists click
If you want to talk to us on the phone, our numbers are:
(504) 484-7979 or (888) 438-7193
If for some reason you want to contact us by regular mail (you want to
send presents maybe?), write us at:
4115 Stewart Court
New Orleans, Louisiana 70119
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Tapers Information
We encourage taping and trading of our shows. Well even help
you with the set lists if we can. Please tape away to your hearts
content, and trade them with all your pals and fellow music lovers.
However, we have a few requests and statements to make. 1) You
are not authorized to sell or license any of your tapes of us to anyone
for any reason or for any type and amount of compensation (our lawyer
made us say this). 2) Please do not broadcast, or place on any
computer, copies of our performance(s) without getting our written
consent (emails work too). 3) We strongly discourage you from
taking your feeds from the sound board, unless you are doing some
sort of matrix thing. Our experience is that a well placed, decent
quality stereo miking setup will always sound better than the board
tapes. 4) Please send us (or hand us) a copy of any show you
tape. 5) Please do not bring superjumbo boom setups, elaborate
rigs, large annoying cameras, lighting, or anything that might be
a drag to other people at the show (including us!). If someone is
being harshed by your stuff, you should try to be accommodating. 6)
If we get the vibe that you are a bit too professional, we reserve
the right to change our minds and ask you to leave your equipment
turned off. We all know who are the genuine lovers and supporters
of the music, and who are into it for other, less beautiful, reasons.
Let the taping begin!
Previous Quintologists
We realize some of you would like to get in touch with
the Quintologists from the past, so here you go!
Mark DiFlorio
Charlie Dennard
Brady Kish
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