February 2003
Thanks so much for staying in touch with the band! Things
have been churning along great recently: there’s
a bunch of new dates on the calendar, they’ll
be at Jazz Fest again this year, and the new
is really jelling.
The Quintologists are really happy with how things
are feeling at the moment, and apparently they
only ones. as a number of folks have commented
about how much they’re grooving on where it’s
going. A somewhat typical comment was heard after
a recent gig: “Man, that was definitely the best
you guys have ever sounded.” All the Qdudes would
like to give their thanks to all of you for staying
with them, and supporting
through all of the changes. For those of you
that haven’t heard the new lineup, you
really should make it out soon to hear for yourself.
Check back in the next couple of months for some
major website overhauls, including new photos,
and info on Simon and Coogs.
October 2002
Wow, what a year this has been for the band. There’s
been big changes with both Mark and Charlie moving out of
town. The band carries on, with two new guys, fantastic drummer
Simon Lott, and keyboardist Brian Coogan. The new sound is
exciting, and there is a new exergy in the air. The band will
be out in San Francisco in November, and is really looking
forward to what’s coming up musically. Stay posted!
January 2002
Happy New Year to everybody. We hope you all have a great
one, full of music, happiness, fulfilling work and friendships.
Quintologys pleased to announce theyll be performing
again at this years New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Fest
on Friday, April 26th, as well as at a festival in France
in early September. If you happen to be reading this somewhere
in Europe, and would like to have us perform at your club
or festival, please contact us (click
here). Even if you just have some leads, that could be
very helpful to us. As you may have guessed, the biggest problem
for us touring in Europe is just getting over there with our
gear to begin with, so once were there, it would be
great to make the best of it!
Were still working on new material for the next record,
and hopefully will be putting some down on wax soon. Individually,
the guys have been doing a lot of stuff in the Studio. Brent
is appearing soon on a live Have Soul Will Travel CD, as well
as on the next Joe Krown solo project. Brian can be heard
on a disc coming out this month on Lakefront
Digital with Ed Petersen and Jason Marsalis. Charlie is
preparing a compilation of some of the tunes hes recorded
solo in the last year, and Tommy and Mark
have been making it happen on a variety of projects (including
Have Soul Will Travel, Oliver
Bou, Brian Prunka,
and others).
Fall 2001
The boys have been busying themselves preparing new music
for their next recording which theyre hoping to put
down in early 02. Theyve been experimenting with
some more electric sounds, as well as including healthy doses
of spontaneous compositions in their live performances. Brian
has pulled out the pedal steel, Tommy has sprung the electric
bass a couple of times, and Brent has been exploring some
unorthodox saxaphonics.
The band would like to push the boundaries of the music without
falling over the edge into the fusion realm. Audience members
have been commenting on the freshness and the intensity of
the places the Qdudes are going. It has been an exciting time
for everyone.
Summer 2001
The Big Chill Out
The Quintologists have been laying low while preparing for
their big fall push. Brent has been out a little with Gatemouth
Brown and the Night Crawlers, and he and Tommy have been putting
finishing touches on a some Have Soul Will Travel trackss.
Mark and Tommy have done a few dates with Brian
Prunka, look for his CD release in September which features
these 2 Q-meisters. Mark also made a trip up north to commune
with nature and his family and some friends. Charlie has been
out touring with Juice. Brian has been at home having sessions,
and making the hits with a few different groups, including
Bonerama, Ed Petersen, and Denise Mangiardi. Also, he and
Tommy have been making it happen at the new Monday Night Jazz
Hang at the Stationhouse Grille in the French Quarter.
Brent, Charlie, and Brian will be going on the road with Galactics
Stanton Moore in
September. You can check out Brians
website for details, as well as some recordings of the
Quintology will start hitting it hard again at the end of
September, with dates at Snug and the Funky Butt. They also
will be finalizing the details and the tunes for their third
release which they anticipate tracking late in 2001 or early
in 2002.
May 2001
Tommy Sciple, bassist & composer
Quintology is pleased to announce the addition of their newest
member, Mr. Tommy Sciple. The band is really excited that
Mr. Sciple has decided to become a full fledged member of
the group, bringing with him his beautiful tone, wonderful
soloing abilities, and excellent compositions.
Mr. Sciple is no stranger to the band, as he has subbed with
them on numerous occasions, as well as collaborated on a number
of side projects with varied Quintologists. Tommy also holds
a Masters Degree from the same university as the rest of the
fellows in the group. Tommy is equally adept on the electric
and acoustic basses, as well as a fine player of traditional
Latin music on the Baby Bass, as testified to by his regular
performances with Chevere and Have Soul Will Travel.
Please come out and see for yourself what an exciting addition
Mr. Sciple is to Quintologys music. You can catch him
at any of the bands Jazz Fest appearances, as well as
on their Northeast tour (read on... ).
Northeast Tour
is ecstatic to be hitting the Northeast during the last weeks
of May. With three performances in New York City, one of which
is at the world renownedKnitting Factory, and other
performances in Boston, Connecticut and Philadelphia, this
is going to be a great trip for the guys. Please tell your
friends in those places to be sure to catch one of New Orleans
hottest original Jazz groups, or better yet, bring em
with you! Click here to
see the calendar.
April 2001
Jazz Fest Slot
The boys will be appearing this year again in the Jazz Tent
on Thursday, May 3, from 1:15 to 2:15. The Thursday in the
middle of two weekends has traditionally been a favorite day
to hit the fairgrounds for New Orleans locals (both actual
and virtual!); The home team vibe is unmatched
and this should prove to be a great performance for the band.
On a related note, the owner of Snug Harbor, the city's premier
jazz club, has created a special performance spot for the
band at the club, an early set (7 to 8:30) the night before
their Fest appearance. Check out the calendar
for all their other fest time activities.
WWOZ Compilation CDs
the way, two of the bands tunes from last year's Jazz
Fest gig made it on WWOZ
compilation discs in the last six months. The only way to
get one of these gems is to pledge to the station (or borrow
a friends). However, Mojave has been getting
some good rotation on the station, so you might catch it if
youre lucky.
March 2001
Extra Curricular Activities
Both Brian and Brent were in the studio recently adding their
touches to upcoming Verve Record releases. Brent played on
a number of selections for the next Gatemouth Brown release
(and has been appearing as a sideman with Gate), while Brian
was in the studio for Stanton Moores debut disc. He
was in good company, as the rest of the band was Chris Wood,
Karl Denson, and Skeric. A number of compositions that were
tracked were written by Charlie and Brian. Mark got the good
news that he will be featured in Modern Drummers On
the Move segment in June.
January 2001
WWOZ Jazz Fest Spotlight Series
has been successful in shopping a syndicated four segment
series on Jazz Fest 2000 to a number of radio stations. Quintology
is proud to have been selected for a small handful of jazz
acts that will be featured. More on this when information
is available.
November 2000
Jazz South Radio Segment
Quintology is being featured on Jazz South Radio, heard by
4 million folks round the world. The half hour segment includes
interview segments with Brady, as well as tracks from Blues
By 5. Click
here to read about this wonderful program presented by
the Southern Arts Federation, and
check your local public radio stations to see when it is going
to air in your area.
October 2000
Tipitinas Internet Broadcast
performed for a live WebCast from Tipitinas 8th Floor
Studio on Monday, October 16, 2000. You can find the show
in Tips archive along with a lot of other cool stuff.
Click here for Tips
site. A special edition of Charlie Dennards Five
OClock Charlie also was featured that day.
You need the Windows
Media Player to see and/or hear the Tip's Clips.
(Dear Macintosh brethren, have no fear, Bill has your flavor
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